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The plan was to head out to the slopes for the day because 6 inches of fresh powder was predicted, so you got in your car but it wouldn't start. Your mechanic gave you the verdict that the repairs just wouldn't be worth the money. You go car shopping, but you want to get your money's worth with a trade-in. You find a good deal without trade-in, but what now for the old car? Donate it! When you donate a car in Wyoming through Allstate Car Donations, you'll be carving out opportunities for the apprentices in the Center for Living and Learning's 18-month paid vocational apprenticeship program. Since 2001, The Center has offered program enrollment to individuals who are at-risk, re-entering society, in recovery, and/or transitioning from welfare to work. As we all know, employment isn't easy to come by when skills and experience are missing and the proceeds from your vehicle donation in Wyoming go to increase employability. Not only does this program provide training in basic and advanced computer use, customer service and management, but the Center goes one step further to prevent apprentices from catching edges with chances to work within the organization to further hone skills and build confidence. Get started with car donation in Wyoming by calling 1-855-227-7456 toll-free or click here to fill out our online donation form. One of our fully-trained, friendly and knowledgeable apprentices is waiting to assist you with everything having to do with your Wyoming car donation! Ask about free pick-up/towing, vehicle registration or title replacement in your area!


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Car Donation WY


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Before working at Center for Living and Learning, I was hopeless as to what the future held for me...My job at CLL was one of the best opportunities of my life