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If your vehicle has seen its share of Alaskan winters, consider making a vehicle donation in Alaska through Allstate Car Donations. We're here to make your life easier with hassle-free processing, and in many cases, free pick-up and towing. Complete your car donation in Alaska through us, and keep snow, frost, and subzero temperatures at bay with the warmth of knowing that the proceeds of your Alaska car donation go to change lives!

All of the proceeds of your generous donation go to benefit the Center for Living and Learning. The Center for Living and Learning offers job search preparation to youth-at-risk, those transitioning out of treatment, as well as long-term welfare recipients. Know that you'll be helping those with barriers to employment become productive and happy workers. Support jobs and economic recovery by donating your vehicle today!

What are you waiting for? Allstate Car Donations has friendly and helpful customer service representatives standing by to assist you with the necessary details. All you have to do is give us a call toll-free at 1-855-227-7456 or click here to fill out our online donation form to find out what it takes to donate a car to us in Alaska.


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Center for Living and Learning has been my stepping daughter has never been so proud of her mother.